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  • BSc. (Hons) in Computing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Software Development
  • Digital Business Transformation
  • BSc. (Hons) in Technology Management
  • Business Analysis
  • BSc. (Hons) in Data Science
A Comprehensive Time Series Analysis on 7 Decades of Space Travel Data

A Comprehensive Time Series Analysis on 7 Decades of Space Travel Data

Renato Gusani

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Python, Plotly, Markdown, SASS, JavaScript, Ruby, Pandas, Sci-Kit, Jekyll, Google Domains, Jekyll, Anaconda
An analysis of the causes and prevention of diabetes

An analysis of the causes and prevention of diabetes

Benjamin Kelly

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Languages: Python, R. Tools: R Studio, Jupiter Notebook, Google Collab


James Butler

Software Development Technology used SQLite, Java
Beyond The Beautiful Game: Leveraging Clustering & Generative Adversarial Network Techniques for Europe's Top Football Leagues

Beyond The Beautiful Game: Leveraging Clustering & Generative Adversarial Network Techniques for Europe's Top Football Leagues

Christopher Weir

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Python, Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, Keras, Sklearn, Matplotlib, K-Means, GAN's
Beyond the Eye Test: Improving Football Recruitment Through The Use Of Clustering And Support Vector Machines

Beyond the Eye Test: Improving Football Recruitment Through The Use Of Clustering And Support Vector Machines

Thomas Cannon

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Python, Pandas, Matplotlib, Sklearn, Seaborn, Streamlit
Classification of Goalkeeper Dives

Classification of Goalkeeper Dives

Daragh Carroll

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Python
Collectible Cards

Collectible Cards

Paul Margelino

Business Analysis Technology used Wordpress, google forms, discord, Microsoft teams, social media


Cameron Byrne

Software Development Technology used Java, SQL, Android Studio
Digital Card Game - Unreal Engine 5

Digital Card Game - Unreal Engine 5

Cree Gunning

Software Development Technology used Unreal Engine 5 (Blueprint Scripting System based on C++)


James Kawala

Cybersecurity Technology used C#
Evaluation of Facial Recognition API’s and an Investigation into the Presence of Bias

Evaluation of Facial Recognition API’s and an Investigation into the Presence of Bias

Lauren Kelly

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Python, AWS, Luxand, Kairos
Faux Phish

Faux Phish

Benn Miley

Cybersecurity Technology used SQlite, SQLAlchemy, Python 3.11, Python Flask Framework, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript
File Encryptor

File Encryptor

Robertas Kuchtovas

Cybersecurity Technology used Python, HTLM, CSS, Node.js
'Finale - Collection, Delivery, Reservations'

'Finale - Collection, Delivery, Reservations'

Lee Harold

Software Development Technology used Django, SQLite, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Fix My Ride

Fix My Ride

Conor Hughes

Digital Business Transformation Technology used Typescript, React native, postgresql, supabase


Emmet Malone

Software Development Technology used Xcode, SQL, Firebase, iOS, Swift, SWiftUI


Sarah Brennan

Business Analysis Technology used Wordpress, Microsoft word, Google forms,
Football IQ

Football IQ

Elijah Mc Namara

Software Development Technology used TypeScript, React, Next.js, PostgreSQL
GGTankers - Performance Data Application for World of Tanks

GGTankers - Performance Data Application for World of Tanks

Andrew Berg

Business Analysis Technology used ReactJS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GitHub Desktop, Visual Studio Code.
Information Hub

Information Hub

Aaron Flynn

Software Development Technology used Django, Python, Pytorch, sqlite, html, pytest
Integration Friend Ireland App

Integration Friend Ireland App

Vitalie Brescanu

Software Development Technology used React Native, JavaScript, CSS(Tailwind),Firebase, VSCode
Integration Friend Ireland Application

Integration Friend Ireland Application

Vitalie Brescanu

Software Development Technology used React/React Native, JavaScript, CSS(Tailwind), Firebase, VSCode(Visual studio code), Android studio software
Interstellar Marauder: A 2D scrolling space-shoot'emup

Interstellar Marauder: A 2D scrolling space-shoot'emup

Josh Rothwell

Software Development Technology used Unity, Microsoft Visual Studio, Github
Ireland’s Cost of Living Crisis

Ireland’s Cost of Living Crisis

Siobhan Flynn

Business Analysis Technology used Survey Monkey, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Word, Word Press, Microsoft Outlook Scheduler, Excel


Ian Bethel

Software Development Technology used Ruby on Rails, React, JavaScript, Git, Ubuntu, SQLite, Postman
Kohi Rewarding Focus, One Point at a Time

Kohi Rewarding Focus, One Point at a Time

Joswel Bautista

Software Development Technology used Android Studio, Firebase, Krita, Java, xml, NoSQL
Let’s Walk!

Let’s Walk!

Ryan Glennon

Business Analysis Technology used MS Teams, MS Word, Google Forms,, MS Excel, iMovie, Wordpress (HTML, CSS)


Luke Ferrie

Cybersecurity Technology used Java, Css, Html, VsCode


Shane Mulrooney

Software Development Technology used Kotlin, XML, Firestore, Firebase, Android Studio


Eoghan Feighery

Software Development Technology used Java, Android Studio, Firebase Authentication and RealTime Database and Cloud FireStore database


Gvidas Virsilas

Cybersecurity Technology used MySQL, C#, CSS
Mobile Direct

Mobile Direct

Shane Hahesy

Software Development Technology used Angular, JavaScript, mysql , C# , ASP.Net
Mobile Timetable Application

Mobile Timetable Application

Alexis Pechon

Software Development Technology used Java, API, JSON, XML
MyCar: Car Cost Tracker

MyCar: Car Cost Tracker

Gareth Shaw

Software Development Technology used React JS, Express, Firebase


Rachel Carter

Business Analysis Technology used wordpress


Marie Elizabeth Hauroo

Software Development Technology used Java, Android Software Development Kit (SDK), Firebase Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Glide
NCI: Online Attendance

NCI: Online Attendance

Gheorghe Baciu

Business Analysis Technology used Wordpress, Lucidchart, etc
Phish Off - Don't Get Hooked!

Phish Off - Don't Get Hooked!

Sean Mc Donnell

Cybersecurity Technology used HTML, CSS, Python Django
Predicting the Actions Taken by a Support Employee Using Machine Learning

Predicting the Actions Taken by a Support Employee Using Machine Learning

Jordan O Donovan

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Python, machine learning, deep learning, Pandas, deep learning, NumPy


Sean Fulton

Software Development Technology used Python, Django, PostgreSQL, NewsAPI, Bootstrap CSS,
Project Dúshlán

Project Dúshlán

Aaron O Hanlon

Software Development Technology used Unity, C#
Python Automated Pricing System

Python Automated Pricing System

Jake Fitzmaurice

Digital Business Transformation Technology used Python
Racing Against the Elements: Analysing the Impact of Weather on Formula One Races

Racing Against the Elements: Analysing the Impact of Weather on Formula One Races

Niamh Daly

BSc. (Hons) in Data Science Technology used Python, Jupyter, Matplotlib, Pandas, Scikitlearn, Numpy, Dash, Excel
Remote patient support

Remote patient support

Jordan Buckley

Digital Business Transformation Technology used Html, MySQL, JavaScript, Java
Safe Pass

Safe Pass

Conor Keller

Cybersecurity Technology used HTML, CSS, Java Script & Django


James Croke

Digital Business Transformation Technology used React Routing, Firebase, React Context API, ChatEngine, REST API's, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Daragh Young

Digital Business Transformation Technology used Flutter


Vedran Badrov

Software Development Technology used Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. SQLite.
Sign-ify: The Sign Language Mobile App

Sign-ify: The Sign Language Mobile App

Kayleigh Harris

Digital Business Transformation Technology used XCode, Swift, Google Firebase


John Crawley

Software Development Technology used Swift 5 (UIKit), GIT, CocoaPod, Google APIs


Dylan Brennan

Software Development Technology used Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Postgresql, HTML, CSS


Saoirse Covaci

Business Analysis Technology used Mockflow, babok v3, Wordpress, Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, google forms


Lloyd Portes

Software Development Technology used C++, C, ffmpeg, glfw, cmake


Michael Butler

Software Development Technology used Java, ML kit for image recognition (firebase), cloud storage
The Snooper: Vulnerability Intelligence Application

The Snooper: Vulnerability Intelligence Application

Nathan Savage

Cybersecurity Technology used HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript
Travel Planner

Travel Planner

Adam Regan

Software Development Technology used Android, Kotlin, Google Maps API, Firebase, Python


Daniel Cullen

Digital Business Transformation Technology used The Microsoft Power Apps


Sutthita Phromchomcha

Software Development Technology used Java, JSON, Firebase SDK, Android Studio


Maciej Sobiecki

Software Development Technology used mysql,html,react,javascript,scss
Weather app

Weather app

Ahmed Omair Chakari

Software Development Technology used Flutter(Framework), Dart(Language), REST APIs (OpenWeather, Google Maps), Bloc (statemanagement)


Conor Odoemene

Software Development Technology used React Native, JavaScript, Expo, Firebase

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